Script for coping the files between different systems:

@echo off

if exist "C:\Users\All Users\*.*" goto 2008
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\*.*" goto 2003

xcopy /s /e /Y /C "\\serverdc4\SAP\saplogon.ini" "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\SAP\Common\"
goto exit

del "%userprofile%\Desktop\SAP.lnk" /q /f
del "%userprofile%\Plocha\SAP.lnk" /q /f
xcopy /s /e /Y /C "\\serverdc4\SAP\saplogon.ini" "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\SAP\Common\"
xcopy /s /e /Y /C "\\serverdc4\SAP\SAP.lnk" "%USERPROFILE%\Plocha\"
xcopy /s /e /Y /C "\\serverdc4\SAP\SAP.lnk" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\"
goto exit


Copy icons depending on the computer name:

@echo off

rem Kontrola jestli existuje slozka nazvu pocitace
if exist "\\serverdc4\Vahy\%computername%\." goto copy

rem if "%computername%" == "UDIRNAB1" goto copy
rem if "%computername%" == "PCEXPEDICEB1" goto copy
rem if "%computername%" == "SCHLAZOVNAB1" goto copy
rem if "%computername%" == "KORENIB2" goto copy
rem if "%computername%" == "KUTRB2" goto copy
rem if "%computername%" == "MASIRKAB2" goto copy
rem if "%computername%" == "SARZOVNAB2" goto copy
rem if "%computername%" == "UDIRNAB2" goto copy

goto end

rem Kopirovani ikonek
rem del "%userprofile%\Desktop\*.lnk" /q /f
rem del "%userprofile%\Plocha\*.lnk" /q /f
xcopy /Y /C "\\serverdc4\Vahy\%computername%\*" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\"
xcopy /Y /C "\\serverdc4\Vahy\%computername%\*" "%USERPROFILE%\Plocha\"
goto end

rem Ukonceni skriptu
Stránka naposled modifikovaná August 09, 2014, at 06:53 PM